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This page has the free downloads for player aids I've created for the
TSS/Great Battles of the American Civil War
game system. Plus some extra
goodies from other GBACW aficionados!

First - would you like to take a GBACW survey? Click here!

Free Items you can download here: (Descriptions follow)

GBACW: Errata, Fire/Melee Chart , Rout ChartQuick Reference Card , Article List, GBACWv1 Rules

Additional GBACW items (thanks to Lee Enderlin!) - GBACW Turn Sequence Chart, GBACW Leader Chart

Cedar Mountain:  Scenario Card, Victory Tracker v3 ,  CD Sample Clip , Rules

Corinth: Scenario Card, Victory Tracker, optional counters 
(thanks to Greg Laubach!)

Drive on Washington: optional counters  (thanks to Greg Laubach!)

Gleam of Bayonets: Quick Reference Card (draft), Errata (on GBACW sheet)
Burnside's Lost Victory - a 1 map game of the final ten turns! (special thanks to Greg Blanchett!)

Pea Ridge: Scenario Card, Victory Tracker

Rebel Sabers: Errata and Addenda

Stonewall:  Notes Page, Exclusive RulesScenario Card

TSS 1st Edition: Errata (22 Feb 77) Page 1 Page 2

TSS 2nd Edition: Pinned/Ammo/Command chart, Rout Chart, Reinforcements Charts, Errata, Fire/Melee charts ,Victory Tracker (first 2 days) , Quick Reference Card;

TSS 2nd Edition: Sheet 1; Sheet 2; Sheet 3; Sheet 4; Sheet 5

Wilson's Creek: corrected counters  (special thanks to Greg Laubach!)
Historical Scenario & Designer Notes (from Moves 51), Order of Battle Chart (special thanks to Lee Enderlin!)

and a non-GBACW item:

The Battle of Monmouth (SPI),  Notes, Charts, Victory Tracker


PS: To the person that said they are looking for a copy of Wilson's Creek with aligned counters - drop me a note - I have one.

And as soon as we have enough results to be realistic, I'll publish the feedback here.

Item descriptions follow. But first:

These files are only usable if you have the games originated by SPI. Looking for them?
Most of these can be obtained at any of the places on my gaming links page.

Also, I often have extra games, or a line on someone who might have a game for sale.

Drop me a note if you're looking for copies - or if you have copies for sale. (Click here)

Now, the item descriptions!

NEW! from Greg Laubach -  counter images!

Corrected counters for Wilson's Creek! (click here)

These fix the color problems on the 3 LA 1, and creates new arty counters
to bring the grouped arty into the GBACW standard.

Optional Counters for Drive on Washington! (click here)

"These counters represent Breckinridges division, which was  guarding the trains at Frederick
during the battle, but was available, and three of McClennan's regiments that were anticipated,
but did not arrive in time for the fight." --- Greg
(from the article in Moves #50. )

Outlining the differences in pinned / ammo depleted / out of command units

Playing TSS 2nd Edition, it can be hard to keep the subtle differences in mind. This short table clarifies the units capabilities. (Click here for free download!)

Sample the "Strategies for  Cedar Mountain" CD-ROM!

Click here to view a free preview of the opening segment of the "Strategies for Cedar Mountain" CD! Preview Now!
(This is a big file, so it takes a few minutes to download. Please be patient!)

Cedar Mountain Victory Point Tracker (Version 1.3!)

A free download of the Excel spreadsheet for tracking Victory points for Cedar Mountain
: this is an improved version of the Victory Point tracker on the original CD-Rom.

bulletTracks the victory points and keeps a running total throughout the game.
bulletLOS Calculator to check those tricky lines of sight!
bulletNow tells you the level of victory!

This version also has a handy macro key to clear the sheet after you are finished with the game!
(You'll have to 'enable macros' when you start up to use the macro feature, however!)

I suggest you download it if you liked the original. (But you'll need Microsoft Excel to be able to use this.)

Click here to  Download Now!

Security Problems with Macros? Just Choose "Disable Macros" when the option pops up. Everything but the fast cleaning option will work.

Cedar Mountain Scenario Card!

I developed these to help me remember the special rules changes in Cedar Mountain. Try it - it is a great player aid!

Open Now! Once you see it, save it to your computer, or just print it out. (Requires Adobe Reader)

Or,  check out the CD Order Page to order this laminated on cardstock!

Corinth Scenario Card!

Another free download! I developed this to help me remember the HUGE number of special rules changes in Corinth.

Want to download this? Open Battle of Corinth Card

Check out the CD Order Page to order this laminated on cardstock!

Stonewall Scenario Card!

Another free download! I developed this to bring the Stonewall rules into compliance with the later published GBACW standard rules.

Want to download this? Open Stonewall Card

Download Stonewall Exclusive rules, too! Stonewall Exclusive rules

Check out the CD Order Page to order this laminated on cardstock!

Pea Ridge Scenario Card Example

Like the card above, I created this to help me speed play of Pea Ridge, and remember the different special rules in force on these games. Want to see the sample? Open Pea Ridge Sample Card

 Check out the CD Order Page to order the actual card laminated on cardstock!

Quick reference Cards for GBACW and TSS 2nd Edition!

I also have laminated cardstock quick reference cards that I developed for GBACW, and for TSS 2nd edition!

bulletThey feature the Fire and Melee charts and tables on one side
bulletReference tables which corral the too-often scattered rules of TSS/GBACW all in one place!

Special! Get all four of these great cards (Two Scenario Cards, 2 Reference cards) for $10! (Plus $5 in shipping.)

To sweeten the deal, I'll toss in CD with the Victory Tracker for Cedar Mountain (see above)
-- as well as the Victory Trackers for Pea Ridge and Drive on Washington!

Sound good? (Order here!)

All of these are REALLY helpful when playing these games. They speed up play, as well, since I also reference the rule number on the cards so you can look it up if you need more details.

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This site was last updated 01/31/14